Tree Blocks

Tree Blocks SetBoys love to build and stack blocks, but what they love MORE is the feel of natural tree branches that remind them of their connection to nature. These tree blocks satisfy both of those natural inclinations. They are also made of 100% recycled wood, which makes these blocks extra special. 
36 piece Barkless Tree Block Set in a Bag

There are also barkless tree blocks (image shown to the left) to add variety to your little guy's collection. They are smooth and made of 100% recycled wood. These blocks feel like river rocks. Their soothing physical characteristics are perfect for soul-centered play.


Tree Blocks Math Kit - 67 pieces 
We are very excited to add the math blocks (image shown to the left) to our collection! Boys learn with their hands and through doing (they are very kinesthetic by nature), so this set of math blocks would be perfect for boys to learn the metric system and math concepts. Lessons include: measuring, comparing, the four basic operations (+-x/), fractions, decimals, and base 10 numbers. The wide variety of unlabeled blocks encourages children to compare blocks physically, not just visually. These beautiful, natural materials allow boys from the age of 3 - 14 to grasp all mathematical principals up to the level of algebra. Take pleasure in knowing that this is the same method used by the Ancient Greeks an Egyptians to teach complicated mathematical concepts.

To buy these blocks for the boy in your life, just click on the picture!

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