Garden Cookies


Garden Cookies Make and Grow Kit

Make & Grow Garden Cookies

Our youngest son loves to play in the mud.  There is just something about this activity that captures his imagination and provides hours of enjoyment.  Boys also love to garden, it appeases the natural farmer in them.  This kit combines those two inclinations and is sure to be a delight for boys of all ages!

 The kit comes with everything they need to decorate the Earth with beautiful flowers for hummingbirds and butterflies.  Click here to find out more about these garden cookies: Make & Grow Garden Cookies

Just follow these simple instructions for this gift 
that keeps on giving:

How to Make & Grow Garden Cookies

1. Empty contents of clay, soil, and flower seeds into a mixing bowl or recycled plastic container.
2. Add three tablespoons of water (additional water may be necessary)
3. Mix until the clay forms a smooth ball
4. Place the ball on the rolling mat and, using the rolling pin, roll the clay to 1/4 in. thickness
5. Cut out flower shapes with the cookie cutters
6. Leave flower shapes on the mat to dry over night
7. Garden Cookies are now ready to plant in the garden!

How to Plant Garden Cookies:

1. Choose a sunny place to plant
(Tip: You can plant them in flower pots or right in the ground.)
2. Prepare the soil by turning it over until the ground is soft.
3. Place one Garden Cookie in the soil, every 4". Cover with 1/2" of soil
4. If planting in a pot, place a cookie in a 6" pot, or 3 cookies in a 14" pot

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